Important Terms and Concepts
Learning OutcomesIn this chapter, students will...
Chapter 2 Sections
2-1 Numerical Approach to the Definition of Limit
Objective: Find the limits of ƒ(x) as a approaches c if ƒ(x) is undefined.
Homework: None
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Video On the Concept of Limits
Objective: Find the limits of ƒ(x) as a approaches c if ƒ(x) is undefined.
Homework: None
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Video On the Concept of Limits
2-2 Graphical Approach to the Definition of Limit
Objective: Given a function ƒ, state whether or not ƒ(x) has a limit L as x approaches c, and if so, explain how close you must keep x to c in order for ƒ(x) to stay within a given number ε units of L
Homework: Q Problems 1-10, Problems 1-25 odd
Align Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Videos on Epsilon Delta Definition of Limits and YouTube Video on the Formal Definition of Derivative
Objective: Given a function ƒ, state whether or not ƒ(x) has a limit L as x approaches c, and if so, explain how close you must keep x to c in order for ƒ(x) to stay within a given number ε units of L
Homework: Q Problems 1-10, Problems 1-25 odd
Align Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Videos on Epsilon Delta Definition of Limits and YouTube Video on the Formal Definition of Derivative
2-3 The Limit Theorems
Objective: For the properties listed in the table in this section, be able to state them, use them in a proof, and explain why they are true
Homework - Day 1: Q Problems 1-10, Problems 1-13 odd
Homework - Day 2: Problems 15-25 odd
Aligned Instructional Resources: YouTube Video of The Limit Theorems
Objective: For the properties listed in the table in this section, be able to state them, use them in a proof, and explain why they are true
Homework - Day 1: Q Problems 1-10, Problems 1-13 odd
Homework - Day 2: Problems 15-25 odd
Aligned Instructional Resources: YouTube Video of The Limit Theorems
2-4 Continuity and Discontinuity
Objective: Define continuity. Learn the definition by using it in several ways
Homework - Day 1: Q Problems 1-10, Problems 1-29 odd
Homework - Day 2: Problems 31-45 odd
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Videos on Limits to Define Continuity
Objective: Define continuity. Learn the definition by using it in several ways
Homework - Day 1: Q Problems 1-10, Problems 1-29 odd
Homework - Day 2: Problems 31-45 odd
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Videos on Limits to Define Continuity
2-5 Limits Involving Infinity
Objective: Find limits of functions where either x becomes infinite or the limit is infinite
Homework: Q Problems 1-10, 1-13 odd, 12, 14
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Videos on Limits and Infinity
Objective: Find limits of functions where either x becomes infinite or the limit is infinite
Homework: Q Problems 1-10, 1-13 odd, 12, 14
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Videos on Limits and Infinity
2-6 The Intermediate Value Theorem and Its Consequences
Objectives: Given an equation for a continuous function
Homework - Day 1: Q Problems, 1-5 all
Homework - Day 2: 8-14 all
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Video on the Mean Value Theorem
Objectives: Given an equation for a continuous function
Homework - Day 1: Q Problems, 1-5 all
Homework - Day 2: 8-14 all
Aligned Instructional Resources: Khan Academy Video on the Mean Value Theorem