Navigate to Current Unit![]() Unit 1 - Motion of Objects
Unit 2 - Forces and Motion Unit 3 - Energy Unit 4 - Waves Unit 5 - Electromagnetism Unit 6 - Modern Physics Unit 7 - Astrophysics Academic Standards Met In This CourseThis class will be structured to achieve the 7 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), set forth in the High School Physical Science (HS-PS) disciplinary core, as developed by the National Research Council.
What is Physics?
Equipped with his five senses, a man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. PHYSICS is the study of energy and matter and the observation and understanding of its interaction with other energy and matter. Energy can take many forms such as gravity, radiation, electricity, light, or motion. Physics deals with topics that range in scale from subatomic particles to the formation and interaction of galaxies such as our own.
How to Succeed In PhysicsLEARN TO LEARN Everyone has different learning styles and strengths. Spend more time on things that give you the most trouble.
Develop good study habits: set aside regularly scheduled time to study in a distraction-free environment. ATTEND CLASS AND TAKE NOTES In physics, class time is especially important because we will frequently do demonstrations and labs which will illustrate what we are learning. All of these activities will help you to understand the principles of physics, so don’t miss class. If you do miss, ask a friend or member of your study group to provide you with notes and let you know what happened. Make sure you ask questions in class, or see me to get help. Remember the only “dumb” question is the one that you don't ask. WORK WITH OTHERS Scientists and engineers rarely work alone. You will learn more and have more fun doing it if you work with other students. Form a study group with members of class. This can also be an great way to get ready for exams! PREPARE FOR EXAMS Taking an exam can be stressful, but being prepared and rested can help. Part of that preparation begins the moment your last exam is returned to you. Go over exams and tests and make sure you understand any mistakes you've made, even if that means seeing your teacher and asking questions. Physics is all about building on ideas as we progress, and it is important to correct any misunderstandings immediately. Taken in part from Sears and Zemansky's Physics: with Modern Physics 13e |
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there. Information and Forms
Useful Physics A site from the Institute of Physics, aimed to inspire people of all ages about physics. A guide to the best physics places on the web. News, views and information for the global physics community. Physics FAQ A list of good answers and explanations to frequently asked questions in physics. It's actually more interesting than it sounds, I promise. The American Physical Society An organization working to advance the knowledge of physics. Of particular interest to students is PhysicsCentral and PhysicsToGo The American Institute of Physics A corporation created for the advancement of physics, serving students and the general public. Top 10 Physicists of All Time |